return under warranty
Should you encounter any difficulties after installing a TIPM purchased from us, we strongly recommend adhering to the following checklist prior to reaching out. We have found through doing thousands of TIPM installations that following the checklist below resolves many common TIPM issues.
HARD RESET- Full Tutorial!
Vehicle Module Update Reminder:
If a module in your vehicle has been changed but not updated by the dealer, it may lead to synchronization issues with the TIPM (excluding IPMs & PDCs).
Example: If the WIN module is replaced but not updated, it can cause a “damaged key” error and prevent the vehicle from starting.
Solution: Visit the dealer with the new TIPM for proper updating. Or send in your original TIPM to us, along with the new TIPM, for cloning.
Soft & Hard Reset:
Perform a few times if needed.
For vehicles
with Keys
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
For vehicles
with Push
to start.
Step 1
button 2x
Step 2
Step 3
again & start
as normal
Fuse and Relay Matching:
Match fuses and relays to the original unit and ensure they are fully inserted.
One fuse in the wrong location can lead to issues like no start or various malfunctions.
Battery testing:
Ensure your battery tests at least 12.6 volts when cold (before starting the vehicle).
After sitting for days, weeks, or months, a poorly charged battery can cause various issues.
Don’t just assume a new battery is sufficient; it should be tested and confirmed.
Grounds Inspection:
Check grounds and ground straps for corrosion or looseness, including engine mount ground straps and the main chassis ground strap.
Bad ground connections can lead to power loss similar to a poorly charged battery.
TIPM Plug Check:
Disconnect battery cables and TIPM plugs, then reconnect, ensuring all plugs are properly seated.
Loose cables can trigger various issues, and reseating plugs often resolves them.
TIPM Plug Wires:
If possible, check and ensure the wires in the plugs are firmly seated.
TIPM Power Post:
Confirm the TIPM power post is securely attached and the power nut is fully tightened.
Battery Cables Inspection:
Ensure battery cables are securely attached and tightly fastened.
Loose battery posts or corroded connections can cause a variety of issues.
Clearing/Recording Codes:
Attempt to clear any engine codes; please record any persistent codes for diagnostic assistance.
By following these steps, you may resolve common installation issues.
Should difficulties persist, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.
How-to Video: Returning a TIPM
Please note that when returning your unit under warranty for a replacement, your original payment method will be charged the price of the initial unit if we don’t receive your original unit within 30 days of this transaction.
Your original unit will be tested once received. If we do not find any issue with your original unit, you will be responsible for return shipping costs which will be charged to your original payment method.